Top 12 steps to lose weight fast for women.

Apr 22, 2022

There are so many factors to losing weight and doing the healthy way, and it's so much more than just cutting back on the calories or working out more.  Women’s bodies in particular are very complex and all aspects such as sleep and mindset need to be factored in. Doing just one or two things won’t get you where you want to be and if it does, it won't be sustainable. This is why so many ‘diets’ just don't work in the long term because the other factors that we may not directly really attribute to weight loss aren’t even considered. Yet these are just as important.

Hi, I’m Sophia McDermott and I’ve done lifestyle coaching for years I am here to tell you that long-term success is about factoring in EVERYTHING that we do on a daily basis. That way, the mix is just right for losing weight at the safest and most effective pace.

So here are my top 10 steps to lose weight, fast.


1. Set a plan and map it out.

It really helps if you set goals with a timeline and then break it down so you know what target goal you have to hit each week. Otherwise, you can lose track and feel like you are not progressing which may lead you to stop working on your weight loss plan.


2. Cut out processed food.

Basically, if it is in the center of the supermarket aisle, don't eat it. Boxed cereals, chips, crackers, sodas and the list goes on. It is full of saturated and hydrogenated fats, empty carbs,

sugars, and sugars greater evil, high fructose corn syrup. Eliminate these and the changes to the way you feel and look will be noticeable right away.

3. Eat your veggies

Up your intake of fruit and veggies. Pile your plate high with as many leafy greens as you can get your hands on. Fill yourself up on these superfoods that are low in calories but extremely high in nutrients.

4. Increase your fluid intake.

Water is one of the most underestimated factors for losing weight. Your body needs water in order to process the food you eat and to break down fats to be used for energy. If you aren't drinking enough you will also be more likely to store it, leading to water retention which makes your skin puffy.  Aim for almost a gallon a day.

5. Only drink water & herbal tea.

Water is the best thing you can hydrate yourself with. Ditch the sports drinks (and their clever marketing) and opvullen ditch the sodas. They have no place on the wellness list. If drinking only water is tough, especially when now you know that you need to stay super hydrated, try adding herbal teas. Peppermint tea especially is great for digestion and green tea will give you a little kick without the jitters like coffee as well as a boost of antioxidants.

6. Sleep.

Sleep is also a factor that is highly underestimated for fat loss. Basically sleep is where it's all in terms of fat loss. This is also where your body repairs and replenishes. It's in your deep sleep 

where Your body releases HGH which is an extremely powerful agent in using your fat for energy and recovery. Aim for 7-8 hours a day.

7. Breakfasts.

Always start the day off with a hearty breakfast for this is what sets the benchmark at what rate your body will be burning calories. We want to have a high metabolism that used our food as fuel rather than a snail-paced metabolism that is creeping along in an effort to conserve energy because it thinks it's starving. One of the surefire ways of having your body think that it is starved is to skip the first meal of the day.

8. Small dinners.

The saying eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper rings so true here. Eating a big dinner later on in the evening and then going to bed is a recipe for weight gain. Fuel yourself with the calories you need at the start of the day when you know you are going to burn them off.

9. Move your body.

Move your body every day. It doesn't have to be a hard workout at the gym but movement every day will build consistency. Aim for a workout one day and then a brisk walk with friends on another. Hit a yoga class and then a home workout. There are so many ways you can move your body while keeping it fun.

10. Workout all facets of fitness.

Do resistance training to stay strong and build muscle. Do cardio to keep your heart healthy. Stretch to stay mobile and reduce the risk of injury. All aspects are necessary for true fitness and for a balanced body.

 11. Mindset. 

Your mindset has to align with your goals. So take a look in and dig deep to see if there are things that are holding you back from achieving what you want. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, your mind has to be in the game with determination, a sense of deserving, and optimism.

12. Listen to your body. 

This one can be tricky because I think we've become so disconnected from ourselves. These days we rely on calorie counting apps rather than tuning in and checking whether we are hungry or full or whether we are super tired or not. It's important to know when you are feeling lazy and when you push yourself or when you truly need to rest.  Losing weight the fastest way is still a long journey if you are doing it the right way to lose fat (as opposed to water and muscles) and keep it off. Brace yourself for the long haul and make decisions that honor your body and your journey so you can hit your goal and maintain it.

As you can see, it's way more than just eating less and doing more. There are so many factors tied into creating the perfect recipe to lose weight. For the fastest results, the way you work out, what you eat and when you eat, your sleep, and your mindset are crucial. For those who would like some guidance to help you lose weight and to hit your goals the fastest in the safest and most effective way for long-term success, check out my FIT. EMPOWERED. WOMAN membership less than a dollar day, it's a steal.  Designed for the busy working woman and mother, I take out the guesswork and your workouts, meals and mindful/motivation tips are all at your fingertips.