My Top Tips for Your Body Transformation.

Feb 28, 2022
Sophia McDermott - Lifestyle Coach, Fitness Expert, Nutritionist,

By Sophia McDermott, Lifestyle Coach & Fitness Expert.  

There is no quick fix per set, but there are some key ingredients that are crucial to help you transform your body over time. If you set a timeline and make each day a day that brings you closer to your body goals, then before you know it you will feel and look like a new you.

For the quickest body transformation that doesn't require going under the knife or popping pills,  there are a few things that you can do daily and you’ll see the changes week by week.  Sometimes you’ll notice these changes a lot sooner too.


So here are my top tips to adapt to your lifestyle that will give you the ultimate body transformation in the shortest amount of time.





1. Ditch the fast food.

This is a no-brainer but it's not just the calorie, sugar, salt, and fat overload. It's the added chemicals in the food also that need to be avoided for a truly healthy body.


2. Ditch the sugary drinks including juices and sodas.

One of the easiest ways to soak up a lot of sugar is through beverages. One can of soda has up to 10-12 spoons of sugar in it.  Eliminate the drinks and you’ve cut out a huge chunk of calories and sugar.


3. Ditch the processed refined white flour products including all baked goods and bread.

These products are a recipe for weight gain, inflammation, and upset stomachs even if you aren’t technically gluten intolerant.


4. Drink loads of water.

Aim to drink almost a gallon a day if you are active. Water is so underestimated when it comes to weight loss and body transformations.


5. Eat breakfast.

We’ve heard it all before but there is a reason why this keeps being repeated. It sets the benchmark for your day. Start it off right.


6. Eat a small dinner.

Keep your dinners light. Eating a big meal late at night or going to bed on a really full stomach is a no-no for weight loss.





7. Move your body daily.

Get your body moving EVERY DAY. Movement as a constant in your lifestyle is a must. Whether it be an intense lifting session or a relaxing walk in the park.


8. Work your muscles hard at least once or twice a week.

The body adapts quickly so keep the intensity up to keep making the changes. Train super hard at least once or twice a week to really challenge your whole system.


9. Get your heart rate up.

Do some cardio to keep your heart strong and burn those calories.


10. Stretch.

This is an overlooked part of any fitness program. Stretching will keep your body supple and mobile and reduce the risk of injuries.





11. Tune in, listen to your body.

Most of us don’t do this which is why I popped it in here. Tuning in is one of the most important parts of any body transformation. Your body will tell you what foods work well for it, when you can push the pace and when you need to rest and recover.


12. Adopt a positive frame of mind.

If you are happy you are more likely to persevere when things get tough. Optimism is essential for long-term success.


Every single one of these tips, if incorporated into your lifestyle will make a significant difference in your body transformation. There is no magic pill or quick fix but if you stick to this recipe you will get the quickest results in the shortest amount of time for sure.